September - 2023 |
First Edition
Beyond guidelines:
Making our Operating principles a way of life
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর
মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত
বিদ্যার সাগর তুমি বিখ্যাত ভারতে।
করুণার সিন্ধু তুমি, সেই জানে মনে,
দীন যে, দীনের বন্ধু!—উজ্জ্বল জগতে
হিমাদ্রির হেম- ক্লান্তি অম্লান কিরণে।
কিন্তু ভাগ্য- বলে পেয়ে সে মহাপর্বতে,
যে জন আশ্রয় লয় সুবর্ণ -চরণে,
সেই জানে কত গুণ ধরে কত মতে
গিরীশ। কী সেবা তার সে সুখ- সদনে!—
দানে বারি নদীরূপ বিমলা কিংকরি;
জোগায় অমৃত ফল পরম আদরে
দীর্ঘ-শিরঃ তরু-দল, দাসরূপ ধরি;
পরিমলে ফুল- কুল দশ-দিশ ভরে;
দিবসে শীতলশ্বাসী ছায়া, বনেশ্বরী,
নিশায় সুশান্ত নিদ্রা, ক্লান্তি দূর করে।
শঙ্খ ঘোষ
পথে একটা ছাতা চলছে। না, মানুষ আছে ওর মধ্যে। ছোট্ট একটা মানুষ। পড়ুয়া সঙ্গীসাথীরা বলছে, ঐ আসছে কশুরে জৈ। তাই শুনে ছোটো মানুষটি বারে বারেই খেপে যায়। আর ততই কশুরে জৈ কশুরে জৈ রব ওঠে তাকে ঘিরে। গা জ্বলে যায় রাগে। কিন্তু মুশকিল, রাগলে আবার কথা বলা যায় না। তোতলা যে একটু।
কশুরে জৈ মানে যশুরে কৈ। যশোরের কৈ মাছের মাথাটা নাকি বড়ো। ছোট্ট ঈশ্বরের দেহখানি ছোটো বটে, কিন্তু মাথাটা ছিল প্রকাণ্ড। যশুরে কৈ-তাকে উলটে নিয়ে হলো কশুরে জৈ। আর তাই শুনে তেলে-বেগুনে জ্বলতে থাকে ঈশ্বর।
কিন্তু ঐ যে কশুরে জৈ এক ছাতা মাথায় দিয়ে, টুকটুক করে আসে, পড়াশোনায় সে এখানেও ডিঙিয়ে গেল সকলকে। সব পণ্ডিতমশাইরই তাকে পছন্দ। ঐ অল্পবয়সে তার বুঝবার আর মনে রাখবার ক্ষমতা দেখে তো সকলে অবাক। তাঁরা বলতেন, ঈশ্বর শ্রুতিধর। বলতেন, এ ছেলে কলেজের অলংকার। ব্যাকরণ সাহিত্য দর্শন সর্বত্র তার সমান উদ্দীপনা, সমান অধ্যবসায়। অথচ, ওই তো রোগা পাটকাঠির মতো চেহারা, ওই তো বয়েস। কেউ বিশ্বাস করতেই না যে এই ছেলে এমন পণ্ডিত।
কিন্তু কলকাতাতেও তার শরীর ভালো হবার কোনো লক্ষণ দেখা গেল না। বরং প্রায়ই রোগে ভুগতে ভুগতে, ক্ষীণ হতে লাগল ছেলে। তার ওপর আছে ঘরের সব খাটুনি।
ঠাকুরদাসের মনিবের বাড়িতে এখন ঈশ্বরের আস্তানা। বাবার আয় নেই বললেই চলে, তদুপরি কলকাতায় বাস। ফলে কষ্টের শেষ নেই। কখনো ভাত জুটছে, কখনো জুটছে না-কখনো ভাতের সঙ্গে আর কিছু নয়, শুধুই শুকনো ভাত। কখনো শুধু তরকারি, ভাত আর নয়। পরনে বাড়ির চরকা-কাটা মোটা কাপড়। কিন্তু এ কি তাকে দমাতে পেরেছিল একটুও? ঐ বয়সেও? বরং বৃত্তির যা কিছু টাকা পেত সে, বেশির ভাগ সময়েই তা খরচ করে বসত সহপাঠী বন্ধুদের জন্য। বলত, বড়ো গরিব ওরা। একটু একটু সাহায্য না করলে তো পড়া হবে না ওদের।
এমনি সময়ে মেজোভাই দীনবন্ধুকেও আনা হলো কলকাতায়। আগেই খাটুনির অন্ত ছিল না, এখন তা বাড়ল আরো। জনচারেকের রান্না রাঁধতে হচ্ছে নিজেকেই। বাজার করো, রাঁধোবাড়ো, বাসন মাজো। বাটনা বেটে, কাঠ চিরে, বাসন মেজে হাতের তার দশা হলো শোচনীয়, আঙুল আর নখ ক্ষয়ে ক্ষয়ে একশা।
এত সব করে পড়া হয় কখন? কলেজে যাবার সময়ে বা ফিরবার সময়ে, পথে পথে। নয়তো রাত্রে-গভীর রাত্রে। কোনোদিন মাঝরাত পর্যন্ত জেগে, কোনোদিন সারারাত। অত রাত্রিতে ঘুমে ভেঙে আসে চোখ। ঐ চেহারা, ঐ পরিশ্রম, শরীর সইবে কেন। কিন্তু ঘুম পেলে তো চলবে না। একে তো ঘুমুলে আর পড়া হয় না, নিজের মনই উশখুশ করে। তার উপর আছে বাবার ভয়। কী ডাকসাইটে বাবা। ফিরে যদি দেখলেন ছেলে ঘুমাচ্ছে তো আর কথা নেই। শুরু হলো বিষম মার। বাড়ির ভিতরের মেয়েরা ছুটে এসে ঠেকাতেন, এ কী কাণ্ড বাপু এমন করবে তো অন্য বাড়ি দেখো।
তাই জাগতে হতোই ঈশ্বরকে। প্রদীপের তেল চোখে মেখে যন্ত্রণায় ছটফট করত সে। ঘুম তো অন্তত এড়ানো গেল, যন্ত্রণা গায়ে লাগে না।
রান্নার ঘরই বলো, শোবার ঘরই বলো, ঘরের অবস্থা ছিল চমৎকার। একতলার অন্ধকার ঘুপসি ঘর, জানলা নেই কোনোদিকে। তারই মধ্যে রান্না। নর্দমার বিশ্রী গন্ধ আর কিলবিল করে পোকা ঢুকছে ঘরে।। তাই তাড়াবার জন্য এক ঘটি জল নিয়ে বসে আছে রাঁধুনি ঈশ্বর। একদিন তো তরকারির মধ্যেই উড়ে পড়ল এক আরশোলা। খাবার সময়ে সেটা চোখে পড়ল তার। কিন্তু বাবা বা ভাই জানতে পেরে যদি খাওয়া ছেড়ে উঠে যান, এই ভয়ে চিবিয়েই খেয়ে ফেলল আস্ত সেই আরশোলা।
শোবার ব্যবস্থা দেড় হাত চওড়া আর ছ হাত লম্বা একফালি বারান্দায়। বারান্দার কার্নিশই বালিশ। সেই বারান্দার ওপর একটা মাদুর বিছিয়ে কুঁকড়েমুকড়ে ঘুমিয়ে থাকত ঈশ্বর। কোনো কোনো দিন ভাই এসে ঘুমিয়ে রইল সেইখানে, সেদিন আর সারারাত ঘুম নেই তার চোখে। রাস্তার গ্যাসবাতির নিচে বসে পড়া তৈরি করছে সে আপন মনে।
এরই মধ্যে একদিন একটা কাণ্ড হলো। বামুনের ছেলেকে সন্ধ্যা করতে হয়, মন্ত্রপাঠ, আরো কী কী। অথচ ঈশ্বরের ধরনধারণ দেখে তার কাকার ভারি সন্দেহ। 'সন্ধ্যামন্ত্রটা একবার জোরে আওড়াও তো বাপু'। ধরা পড়ে গেল ছেলে। সত্যি ভুলে গেছে। এলেন বাবা। শুনলেন সব। বামুনের ছেলে হয়ে সন্ধ্যা ভুলেছ? এত বড়ো কথা! শুরু হলো মার।
যে ছেলে শ্রুতিধর, এমন পণ্ডিত যে ছেলে, সামান্য ঐ সন্ধ্যামন্ত্র সে ভুলল কেমন করে? আসলে, জিনিসটাকে নিশ্চয় খুব আমল দেয়নি ঈশ্বর। কী হবে ঐ তুকতাক মন্ত্র আউড়ে? দেবতা? দেবতা তো মা আর বাবা। আর কিছুতে বিশ্বাস নেই তার। বিশ্বাস যেখানে নেই, একাগ্রতাও নেই, একাগ্রতা না থাকলে মনে থাকবে কী করে ঐ হিজিবিজি কথা?
ছাত্রজীবনে এ-সময়ে আরেকটা ঘটনা ঘটল।
ঈশ্বরের অধ্যাপকদের একজন ছিলেন শম্ভুনাথ তর্কবাচস্পতি। বাচস্পতি তখন রীতিমতো বুড়ো, প্রায় জরদগব। নিজের কোনো কাজ করতে পারেন না নিজে। এমন সময়ে হঠাৎ খেয়াল হলো তাঁর, আবার একটা বিয়ে করলে কেমন হয়?
কথাটা শুনে এখন খুব আশ্চর্য লাগে। তখন কিন্তু তত আশ্চর্যের ছিল না। পুরুষ হলেই না কি তার একটার পর একটা বিয়ে করার অধিকার থাকে। সে তার যতই বয়স হোক, যেকটাই বৌ থাক। ওরই নাম না কি কৌলীন্য।
বাচস্পতি তখন তাঁর পরম স্নেহভাজন ছাত্রটিকে বললেন, একটি সুপাত্রীর সন্ধান পাওয়া গেছে, তোমার মত হলেই বিয়েটা হতে পারে।
ঈশ্বর কিন্তু খুব খেপে গেল শুনে। গুরুকেও সে ছেড়ে কথা কইল না। বলল, আপনার তো আর বেশি দিন বাঁচবার সম্ভাবনা নেই, একটি মেয়েকে পথে বসাবেন কেন? বিয়ে দূরের কথা, বিয়ের চিন্তাতেও আপনার পাপ হবে।
এ কথা শুনে কি খুশি হয় কেউ? গুরুজী পালালেন তার সামনে থেকে। পালালেন এবং অবিলম্বেই বিয়েটা সেরে ফেললেন। ঐ বুড়োর এই বৌ! 'এ ভিটেয় আর জলস্পর্শ করব না।' বলে সটান চলে এল ঈশ্বর সে-বাড়ি থেকে।
বলা বাহুল্য, কদিনের মধ্যেই সেই মেয়েকে বিধবা করে বাচস্পতি মশাই পালালেন ধরাধাম ছেড়ে।
এই ঘটনা চিরস্থায়ী হয়েছিল বিদ্যাসাগরের মনে। এই লোকগুলোর খেয়ালের ফল যে কী ভয়াবহ হতে পারে, ছোটোবেলা থেকে তার চেহারা দেখে বড়ো হয়ে উঠল ঈশ্বর, হয়ে উঠল ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর। আর, এই পুরনো পৃথিবীর রীতিনীতি ঝেড়েঝুড়ে ফেলে মানুষকে নতুন করে সুস্থ ভাবে বাঁচানোর পথ খুঁজে বেড়াতে লাগল সেদিনের সেই ছোট্ট ক্ষীণাঙ্গ বালক ঈশ্বর।
১৮৪১ খ্রিষ্টাব্দে কলেজ ছেড়ে বেরুল সে। সর্বশাস্ত্রে পরংগম বলে পণ্ডিতমশাইরা তার নাম দিলেন 'বিদ্যাসাগর'।
(শঙ্খ ঘোষের বিদ্যাসাগর গ্রন্থ থেকে পুনর্মুদ্রিত)
Address from the President’s desk : "CHARACHAR" - Illuminating Minds, Inspiring Change
Tapas Dey
Dear Friends, Supporters, and Fellow Advocates for Change,
It is with immense pleasure and pride that I welcome you to the inaugural edition of "CHARACHAR," the official web magazine of the Vidyasagar Progressive Cultural & Educational Foundation (VPCEF). This magazine is more than just the voice of our organization; it is a testament to our unwavering commitment to education, enlightenment, and the betterment of society.
Today marks a significant moment in the journey of the Vidyasagar Progressive Cultural & Educational Foundation (VPCEF) as we proudly unveil the inaugural edition of "CHARACHAR." This web magazine is more than just a publication; it is the vibrant voice and the very heart of our organization, echoing our commitment to knowledge, progress, and the well-being of society.
"CHARACHAR": A Beacon of Knowledge and Change
The name "CHARACHAR" encapsulates our vision for this magazine. In Bengali, it signifies "The World" or "Everything Around Us," reflecting the vast spectrum of subjects and issues we aim to explore. At VPCEF, we believe that knowledge is the cornerstone of progress and change. "CHARACHAR" will be the beacon that illuminates minds and inspires change in the world around us.
"CHARACHAR" - A Chronicle of Ideas and Voices
The name "CHARACHAR" carries profound significance, representing our dedication to exploring and understanding the myriad facets of the world around us. Just as Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar's legacy encompassed education, culture, social reform, and literature, "CHARACHAR" is a platform where diverse voices converge. It is a space where knowledge thrives, ideas flourish, and voices are amplified.
Reflecting Our Aims and Objectives , Our organization's mission, vision, and aims have always been clear: to serve society by promoting education, culture, social change, and holistic development .
A Multifaceted Hub of Information and Inspiration
Within the pages of "CHARACHAR," you will encounter an array of articles, writings, and contributions that celebrate the multifaceted nature of our world. Our web magazine is designed to serve as a hub of knowledge, covering a spectrum of topics, including:
"CHARACHAR" is the canvas upon which we will paint these ideals, reflecting our aims and objectives through its content.
Education: Empowering Minds
Education is the most potent tool for personal and societal transformation. In "CHARACHAR," you will find articles, insights, and stories that celebrate the power of education. Whether you are a student, an educator, or someone passionate about learning, our magazine will be a source of inspiration and knowledge.
Science and Technology: Shaping the Future
Science and technology are the driving forces behind progress. We will delve into the realms of scientific discovery, technological innovation, and their profound impact on our lives. "CHARACHAR" will be your window into the fascinating world of scientific exploration.
Women Empowerment: Championing Equality
We are committed to gender equality and women's empowerment. Our magazine will feature stories of trailblazing women who have shattered barriers and transformed their communities. We hope to inspire future generations to champion the cause of women's rights.
Skill Development: Nurturing Talent
Skill development is the gateway to self-reliance and prosperity. "CHARACHAR" will highlight initiatives and success stories in skill development, offering insights for those seeking to acquire new skills and embark on a path of self-improvement.
Poverty vs. Rural Development: Bridging the Divide
We recognize the challenges faced by rural communities. Through "CHARACHAR," we will shed light on poverty alleviation efforts and rural development initiatives that hold the promise of a brighter future for these often-overlooked regions.
Ideology and Inspiration: Empowering Minds
Our magazine will carry the very ideology that drives VPCEF. It will be a platform for promoting our organization's mission and encouraging meaningful discourse on social change, culture, education, and progress.
Multifaceted Hub of Information, knowledge and creative writting as a fuel of progressive mind
- Science: Embark on journeys of discovery as we delve into the marvels of science. From the mysteries of the cosmos to groundbreaking innovations, "CHARACHAR" will illuminate the frontiers of human knowledge.
- Literature: Immerse yourself in the world of words and creativity. Our literary section will feature essays, poetry, book reviews, and insights into the art of storytelling. Literature is a bridge that connects hearts and minds, and we aim to foster that connection.
- Environment: As guardians of the Earth, it is our duty to protect and preserve it. "CHARACHAR" will provide a platform to discuss environmental issues, sustainability, conservation, and inspiring stories of those making a positive impact.
- Technology: Stay informed about the rapid advancements in technology that shape our world. From artificial intelligence to renewable energy, our technology section will offer insights into the innovations that define our future.
- Women Empowerment: We are committed to gender equality and empowering women. Our magazine will showcase stories of remarkable women who have shattered barriers and transformed their communities. We hope to inspire future generations to champion women's rights.
- Skill Training: Skill development is a gateway to self-reliance and prosperity. "CHARACHAR" will highlight initiatives and success stories in skill development, offering insights for those seeking to acquire new skills.
- Agriculture: Agriculture remains the backbone of our society. We will explore the latest trends, innovations, and practices that are shaping the agricultural landscape.
- Nurturing Writing Talents: We are passionate about nurturing the talents of young writers. Our magazine will provide a platform for students to showcase their writing skills, encouraging creativity and expression.
A Beacon of Information: Monthly News and Rural Insights
"CHARACHAR" will not only be a repository of knowledge but also a beacon of timely information. It will partially serve as a monthly news source, keeping you updated on important events and developments. Moreover, it will shed light on the realities of rural life, providing insights into the social fabric, challenges, and vibrancy of rural communities.
Education and Job Placement Guidance
Education is a cornerstone of empowerment. "CHARACHAR" will offer guidance on education and job placement, assisting individuals in making informed decisions about their academic and career paths.
Join Us in This Journey of Exploration and Transformation
As we embark on this exciting venture, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team of writers, editors, and supporters who have brought "CHARACHAR" to life. Together, we will amplify the impact of VPCEF's mission and carry forward the legacy of Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar.
Thank you for being a part of our inaugural edition. Let's explore, learn, and evolve together through the pages of "CHARACHAR."
A Call to Action: Join Us on this Journey to make a change
As we embark on this exciting journey with "CHARACHAR," we invite you to be active participants. Engage with our content, share your thoughts, and join the conversation. Let us collectively ignite change, educate minds, and inspire hearts.
"CHARACHAR" is not just a magazine; it is a movement, a call to action, and a celebration of knowledge. We aim to reach students, youth, educators, farmers, and every common person who seeks enlightenment and progress.
Thank you for being a part of our inaugural edition. Let's explore, learn, and evolve together through the pages of "CHARACHAR."
From Secretary Desk Ordinary PEN
(Power Enriched in Nib)
Nanda Dulal Bhattacharyya
At the very outset, I feel extremely elated to note that at last the Web Magazine ‘Charachar’ which is the virtual face of our Foundation will see the light of the day. On this solemn occasion, I convey sincere greeting and gratitude to them who have endeavoured hard to translate the decision of the organisation into reality.
The day of first publication itself is signifying and inspiring. 203 Years ago, Iswar Chandra Bandopadhyay was born in a remote rural area of Bengal Province under the Company rule only to rise to eminence as Vidyasagar by virtue of profound knowledge, peerless perseverance, tremendous tenacity, unrelenting rationality, genuine generosity and above all, heartful humanity. Indeed, Vidyasagar was not only an ocean of learning but also an ocean of activity and an ocean of kindness. The annals of his life and achievements are worth reading again and again. Each and everybody should follow his footstep so as to impart an indelible mark in the page of mortal life.
The biographers of this real ‘Renaissance Man’ while paying homage have expressed unanimity over his following contributions
- Propagation of education including adult education
- Social Reform
- Woman enlightenment and empowerment
- Selfless service to the suffering humanity
- Irreligiousness in personal life
- Health and environmental awareness
- Culture of science and scientific mind
- Promotion of language and literature
- Welfare of the destitutes and dalits
- Plain living and high thinking
As the days pass by, the researchers are coming up with new findings which are adding new dimensions to the temperament and thought of this ‘Traditional Modernizer ‘. Being an idealist in his own life-style, Vidyasagar was materialistic, utilitarian and pragmatic in approach while dealing with his fellow men. Nationalism was then at nascent stage. Even then, he used to show his deepest concern for his ill-fated countrymen. He restrained himself from joining the Indian National Congress formed in 1885 as the said party did not incorporate agenda for alleviating hunger and heathlessness of Indians.
Needless to mention, Vidyasagar performed mainly by dint of his unitary and often solitary effort. He was like a Gulliver standing sky high amidst herbs and hubs. Pigmy people like us will never be able to do something astounding alone. Many of us will have to gather under the umbrella of an organisation and work tirelessly to get the goal. The sense of belongingness to an organisation will motivate the stakeholders and keep them on the track. It is a truism that when the interests of many align, achievement level becomes high. Persons from various walks of life will throw light on the path will be illuminated. Furthermore, the organization will facilitate division of work, inculcate confidence and induce creativity. Everybody must remember that the purpose of an organisation is an organisational purpose. May Vidyasagar invigorate us to live all the years of our life – to add life to years not years to life.
In Spirited Defence of Voluntary Action and Volunteerism
Nandadulal Bhattacharyya

The memory of the terrific train accident has not faded away. On June 2, 2023, the Chennai bound Coromondol Express while passing through the Balasore in the state of Odisha running at a speed 120km/hr entered into the loop line and collided with a stationary goods train. Some coaches were derailed. At the same time, Bengaluru-Howrah superfast express train dashed against the said coaches giving rise to “tripple train collision” which definitely is the rarest event. The number of deaths and the number of the injured were reported officially to be 294 and 1200 respectively. As soon as the collision caught the attention of the public, all rushed to rescue the passengers trapped and send them to nearby healthcare centres and hospitals. It is true that a handful of opportunistic wrong-doers seized the event to loot money from the pockets, steal purses and snatch ornaments and valuable articles with all their might. But most of the people sprang into voluntary action and worked as good Samaritans. The full spirit of voluntarism was yet to be perceived. Because of severe haemorrhage, many of the victims needed blood for urgent transfusion. When different mass media transmitted the news, hundreds of youths came out and stood in long ques with a view to donating voluntarily their blood - the precious life saving fluid in order that the lives of the languishing are saved. The police, the administration, the blood banks and the hospital authorities which were helpless and hopeless at the pathetic situation were surprised and moved at the overwhelming response of the people. John Keats once said, “The Poetry of the earth is never dead”. The unsung and unheard youth activists also proved that ‘volunteerism is never dead in a vibrant society’.
The case of the Red Volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic can be taken up in the same breath to tell the saga of voluntary action. A reign of panic prevailed all over the world on account of highly communicable nature of Corona Virus. Even the common people tried to maintain physical distance as well as social distance. At that critical juncture, the Red Volunteers in the State of West Bengal took the centre stage. They braved the morbidity and mortality of the infection and visited door to door to help the virus victims. The trained ones read oxygen saturation level with pulse oximeter, collected throat swabs for laboratory testing and administered medicines to the sick and the suffering. Some were seen shopping for essential commodities and foods for supply to those who have been starving. Voluntary action again showed its charisma to the politicians and the public.
That voluntary work can do miracles, will be evident from a real narration. Marimuthu Yogananthan is an Indian Tamil, aged 54 years, working as a bus conductor on Mundamalai-Gandhipuram Route under Tamil nadu State Transport Corporation, Coimbatore. His hobby is to plant saplings for which he spends 40% of his monthly salary. In last 28 years, he has planted 1,20,000 trees which is indeed a marvellous feat. He also educates school and college children about the hazards of felling trees. He reportedly succeeded in driving out tree mafias from the Kotagiri forest. He is honoured everywhere as the ‘Tree Man of India’. The point is that there is a plethora of experts in India in the subject of ecology and environment, climatology, meteorology, dendrology, silviculture, etc. But how many of them do care for their voluntary involvement in fighting against the menace of global warming at the ground level?
As a matter of fact, although the planners, policy makers and the opinion builders will not always recognise, volunteerism is a way of life. It makes the society worth living and inculcates the spirit of living together. Long live those teachers who offer free educational support and guidance to the learners so that they can rise to eminence; those doctors who afford their prime time in conducting free health check-up camps in remote rural areas, those engineers who design and develop plan and supervise free of cost the constructions of the community shelters during floods, the scientists who take trouble to go to land, ascertain problems and solve the same in the laboratory with a view to disseminating their findings to those lying in the land; the small and marginal farmers who contribute to the best of their capacity to hold the marriage ceremony of the girl of a landless labour, the low-earning employees bearing the treatment charges of T.B. or leprosy patients in the neighbourhood and the loto and toto drivers who stop their vehicles and take the young, the old and the ailing to safety places and do not mind for the time lost!
Dr E. F. Schumaker was really right when he pronounced - ‘Small is beautiful’.
Vivacities of Volunteerism and Voluntary Action
- Volunteers act out of free will. There is no superimposition, external pressure or dictation. Volunteers only follow dictates of their own conscience.
- Volunteering does not entertain any extra motive. Mostly people work to satisfy their greed for P₁ - Position, P₂ - Privilege, P₃ - Power, P₄ - Purse, P₅ - Prosperity. For volunteers, it’s simply a hobby to enthral.
- Voluntary action is honorary and non-profiteering in nature. So, it is definitely less expensive.
- Volunteering is a matter of choice. Depending on areas of their own interest volunteers can work in the fields like poverty alleviation eradication of illiteracy, women empowerment, organisation of health awareness camps, afforestation, rehabilitation service for the disabled, promotion of small and cottage industries, drives against superstitions and black magic, fund raising for the sick and the suffering, training of social animators, action program for value orientation and character formation and popularising art and culture.
- Voluntarism envisages commitment. Once motivated, the volunteer carries the task for competition for it is pleasing to his /her self. The work is not abandoned halfway. It is but wholehearted involvement that comes to surface.
- Volunteerism allows one to understand one’s self worth. He/she is placed in a better position to perform SWOT analysis (S=Strength, W=Weakness, O=Opportunity, T=Threat). Each and every volunteer acquires KASH (K=Knowledge, A=Attitude, S=Skill, H=Habit).
- Volunteering means equality and equity. The judge, the professor, the banker, the trader, the office worker, the housewife, the doctor, the draftsman, the driver, the addlescent boy, the researcher, the technologist, the rickshaw-puller all are in the same boat to serve the humanity. There is no barrier to caste, gender, language, race, religion, economic and social status.
- Voluntary sector provides a fertile ground for cultivation of a good number of values. These include compassion, empathy, self-esteem, self-confidence, dignity of individuals and respect for others.
- Volunteering steers one out of one’s comfort zone. The volunteers may have to render quality service in an away, alien and adverse situation. They must adapt themselves to the changing circumstances.
- Voluntary action is complementary to government, semi-government or quasi-government effort. Volunteers can reach out more speedily to the distressed and disadvantaged than the government officials. Bureaucratic procedures and practices don’t hinder the movement of volunteers. The ex-Prime Minister of India Rajib Gandhi, once said, out of Rs 100.00 allotted, Rs 15.00 reach to the beneficiaries through government establishment and machinery while the reverse figure holds good for the voluntary agencies i.e. the beneficiary gets Rs 85.00. Actually, the overhead cost in case of voluntary organisations is very low.
The Clarion Call of the Day
It is usually seen that the professionals dismiss the role of the volunteers as that of the armatures. The authoritarians hold that, government must be everywhere and non-government/voluntary body nowhere. They do not mind even if the government is divorced from the people or divergent from the path of growth and development. Let the different schools of contend. The objective reality is that about 20,00,000 voluntary organisations work in India. A statistical estimate shows that nearly 18 crore of people are connected with these in some form or other. The focal point should be to train and develop their potential on a continuous basis. The collective will must be unleashed to the maximum. The organisations moving sluggishly must be electrified and energised with wither thousands of resilient and resonating organisations propelled voluntarily by lakhs of competent, committed and conscientious people. Otherwise, the vast sector of human and social welfare cannot be saved from stagnation nay retardation. |
Vidyasagar Progressive Cultural and Educational Foundation
The name of the establishment is Vidyasagar Progressive Cultural and Educational Foundation (VPCEF) which is registered under Indian Trust Deed Act 1882, bearing no IV/15 of 2022. The Trust has been registered also under the following bodies/agencies.
CSR Registration No. - CSR00050878
Darpan Unique Id. - WB/2023/0340661
12 A - AADTV7436NF20221
80 G - AADTV7436NF20221
VPCEF is founded in the illustrious name of Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar who was a luminous icon of Renaissance movement in the Indian Sub.- Continent. Vidyasagar was an eminent educationist, a dedicated social reformer, an exemplary humanist and philanthropist, a committed champion of women's empowerment and emancipation and also a brilliant architect of Bengali prose and literature. Since the undivided district of Midnapore was his birth place, we as sons and daughters of the soil, are proudly privileged to propagate his noble ideas, ideals and achievements and translate these into reality in our own mortal lives. Vidyasagar stands for people and progress, compassion and charity, sincerity and selflessness, courage and conviction and above all, rationalism and pragmatism. Being enthused and emboldened by the pivotal personality of Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, some like-minded individuals like us assembled, deliberated and venture to attain form an organization to attend the goals for the sake of which Vidyasagar devoted all his life.
To serve the cause of the people, specifically, the socio-economically disadvantaged and the depressed, the destitute and the disabled through promotion of awareness, advocacy and action; to perform devoted work in the domains of education, environment, public health, games and sports, art and culture, self-reliance and community welfare ensuring people's active participation to build a scientific and progressive society; to eradicate superstitions, dogmas, hatred, fundamentalism, communalism fanaticism, determinism and consumerism which orchestrate retardation and retrogression.
To create a human community where equality, freedom, fraternity, justice, truth, trust and tolerance will prevail and holistic development will go on making the living more meaningful and purposeful.
- To mobilize people who are all precious human resources to accentuate individual as well as societal development in all horizons through actual implementation of useful projects and programs.
- To support both quantitative and qualitative expansion of general and vocational/professional education particularly in the interest of weaker and vulnerable sections of the society and extend both formal and informal, institutional and non-institutional help and assistance for unfoldment of their potential and personality.
- To generate people's consciousness about ecology and environment by taking initiatives in conservation of depleting resnures and controlling all sorts of pollution.
- To work for improvement of public health in such aspects as balanced food and nutrition, safe drinking water and sanitation, immunization against infectious diseases, first aid for common ailments rescue and relief in disasters etc.
- To popularize games and sports, physical exercise, yoga, etc. among men and women of all ages in order to keep one and all physically, emotionally, mentally and socially sound.
- To arouse affinity for art and culture so as to insure inter-relationship, connectivity, recreation and creativity through music, drama, recitation drawing, painting, dance, sculpture, literary work, etc. with special emphasis on cultivation and preservation of folk culture.
- To augment self-reliance by imparting skill training to unemployed youths, housewives, low wage-earners, seasonal laborers, etc. and organize functional self-help groups.
- To undertake charitable work for the sick and the suffering, the destitute, the orphans, the disabled and the down-trodden including marginalized and dalit people.
- To form a network with government, semi-government, non-government and voluntary bodies in such projects and programs which are in harmony with the mission, vision and aims and objectives of the trust.
- Identifying the genuine needs of individuals, groups and communities for whom the organization is supposed to work.
- Prioritizing the areas of action/intervention on the basis of available and prospective material and non-material resources.
- Developing detailed strategy and course of action for implementation of the programs along with formulation of appropriate projects.
- Harnessing financial resources in form of Grants from Government, Semi-Government and Non-government agencies, collection of donations/contributions from generous individuals/establishments and the like.
- Engaging quality volunteers after selection, recruitment, training, placement and retention for actual work.
- Supervising and motoring to oversee efficient and effective performance of the manpower at hand keeping always in view optimum utilization of scarce resources.
- Coordinating different functions and functionaries with a view to pulling all together towards the achievement of objectives.
- Providing leadership through initiative, assertion, motivation, communication and interaction by boosting up morale and morality.
- Evaluating objectively the quantitative and qualitative outcome of the programs already executed.
- Incorporating feedback on the revised of new plan or program to be undertaken with more competence, capacitance, confidence and commitment for better performance of the organization as an integrated whole.
- Documenting the entire process followed and the product obtained for future reference and guidance.
Priority Areas of Work
- Setting up Vidyasagar Siksha Sahayata Kendres for pupils coming of socio-economically backward families and Career Guidance and Training Centers for their horizontal and vertical mobility.
- Launching Skill Development Training Centers for the unemployed and the pseudo-employeds in order that they can maintain sustainable livelihood.
- Running Environment-Friendly Clubs in educational institutions to undertake throughout the year in-campus and off-campus activities for the sake of better ecology and environment.
- Organizing popular mass Sports in rural, semi-urban and urban areas as an integral part of community life.
- Establishing Kala and Knishti Charcha Kendras in different corners where people will pass their free time charmingly and creatively.
- Implementing integrated community development schemes in adapted villages as models to be replicated elsewhere.
- Organizing comprehensive health cheek-up camps, thalassemia gene detection camps, blood group detection and voluntary blood donation camps, body and organ donation pledge camps, charitable dispensaries etc.
- Holding seminars, discussion sessions, symposia, community conferences, workshops on career guidance and planning, life skill development, value orientation and character education, family life education, teaching skill development, social service motivation, blood donation motivation, science show & exhibition, animal welfare, gender inequality, etc.
- Stimulating studies in local and regional history and public interest in preserving heritage spots and places in and outside the district.
- Publishing leaflets, brochures, pamphlets, magazines, special issues etc for giving wide publicity to the programs being conducted by the organization from time to time.
VPCEF - Important Days for Celebration
(To be observed at Central level and Unit Level)
- 1st January: Satyendranath Bose’s Birth Day
- 12th January: Swami Vivekananda’s Birth Anniversary & National Youth Day
- 23rd January: Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s Birth Anniversary
- 26th January: Republic Day
- 21st February: International Mother Language Day & Bhasha Sahid Diwas
- 28th February: National Science Day
- 8th March: International Women’s Day
- 14th March: Albert Einstein’s Birth Day
- 7th April: World Health Day
- 13th May: Poet Sukanta’s Death Anniversary
- 11th Jaistha: Kaji Najrul Islam’s Birth Anniversary
- 5th June: World Environment Day
- 21st June: World Yoga Day
- 14th July to 20th July: Vana Mahotsav
- 13th Shravana: Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar’s Death Anniversary
- 2nd August: Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy’s Birth Day
- 11th August: Sahid Kshudiram Bose’s Self-immolation Day
- 15th August: Independence Day
- 20th August: National Scientific Temper Day
- 29th August: National Sports Day
- 5th September: National Teachers’ Day
- 12th Ashwin: Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar’s Birth Anniversary
- 29th September: Saheed Matangini Hazra’s Self Immolation Day
- 1st October: International Day for Older Persons
- 11th November: National Education Day
- 14th November: National Children’s Day
- 3rd December: International Day for Disabled Persons & Saheed Kshudiram’s Birth Anniversary
- 5th December: International Volunteer’s Day for Economic and Social Development
- 9th December: Begum Rokeya Day
- 10th December: World Human Rights Day
- 23rd December: National Farmers’ Day
Explore Your Creative Side with CHARACHAR Webmagazine either in Bengali or in English language!
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Whether you're an experienced writer or a budding wordsmith, Charachar welcomes you to share your unique perspective with the world. Dive into the world of creativity and let your words flow freely.
A Global Audience:
Charachar Webmagazine reaches readers from every corner of the globe. Your writing will have the chance to resonate with an international audience, making an impact on lives worldwide.
Why Choose Charachar?
- Creative Freedom: Express yourself without limits. Write poetry, short stories, opinion pieces, or anything that ignites your passion.
- Supportive Community: Join a community of like-minded writers and enthusiasts who appreciate the power of words.
- Exposure: Gain exposure and recognition for your writing talents, helping you grow as a writer.
- Diverse Content: Explore a wide range of topics and genres, from History, literature and art to Science & technology, Agriculture, Environment and lifestyle to social causes.
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Join us on this creative journey. Visit Charachar Webmagazine and start sharing your voice today!
Website: www.vpcef.in
Contact: editor@vpcef.in, info@vpcef.in